This eyewitness report from one of our shelter staff sets the scene.
“When the rain started, I rushed out to the kennels to find whole rows completely flooded. Some of the dogs were standing knee deep in water. It looked like a river was raging through, all their beds were drenched, towels were floating and there was debris bobbing about.”
“We tried desperately in vain to stop the water from coming in. Almost all our bedding was saturated; we had nothing left to cover the exposed side of the kennels with. The rain was coming in from all angles.”
Will you help us stay afloat through this wild weather, and keep vulnerable animals safe?
A cacophony of distressed barking echoed above the howling winds and pelting rain.
Dogs trembled with fear as thunder rumbled overhead, and their toys and blankets floated away in the floodwaters.
Fallen tree branches blocked pathways and crushed fencing, causing danger to animals and people.
Staff and volunteers worked tirelessly to disperse water and scrambled to evacuate distraught dogs to anywhere warm and dry they could find, from staff offices to the vet centre.
Right now, we have a team on the ground assessing the damage and recovery costs, but there is no doubt it will be in the thousands.