Lady Davette's Fund

Lady Davette's Fund

She may be small in stature, but Lady Davette is resilient and brave.

Now she needs your help to recover from suffering no kitten should have to endure.

Our Animal Ambulance picked up this five-month-old kitten with a badly fractured leg and broken pelvis, after she was discovered by a member of the public out the front of their property, who took her to their local vet.

We’re not sure how she found herself in this situation, but judging by the nature of her injuries, we think she was likely hit by a car.

As soon as Lady Davette arrived at the shelter, our vet team wasted no time conducting xrays, which confirmed the leg fracture was so severe that amputation was the only option.

In emergency cases like this, we need to act fast in the best interests of the animal.

But we are left with an unexpected bill – around $2,700 in this case. We need your support to help cover these costs, so we can continue to be there for animals in need of critical care.

Will you chip in to cover the costs of Lady Davette’s surgery and rehabilitation, to help get this courageous kitten back on her feet?

Lady Davette has been prescribed six weeks of cage rest, with one of our big-hearted foster carers, Belinda stepping up to the task.

In a month or so, she will require more xrays to ensure her pelvis has healed properly. Then once she has fully recovered, she’ll be desexed – the last step before Lady Davette is ready to find her forever home.

Foster carer, Belinda, says she is the sweetest kitten, who purrs whenever she’s being held, and loves to snuggle on the heat blanket every night to watch TV.

With your support, we’re confident this brave little lady will bounce back and adapt well to life on three legs.

Thank you for being there for vulnerable animals like Lady Davette when they need you most.

(P.S. You might be wondering where her somewhat unusual name came from… Lady Davette was affectionately named by the vet team, in honour of a much loved ginger cat called Dave.)


*The goal for Lady Davette’s fundraiser includes the cost of xrays, leg amputation surgery under anaesthetic, pain relief, post-operative care and rehabilitation. If her medical and care costs are less than is raised in her name, additional funds will provide care for other animals in need.


raised of $2,700 goal

Campaign progress

  • Goal: $2,700
  • Achieved: 139.0%
  • Days left: 0
  • No. donors: 82
  • Av. amount: $46

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

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