Tilly was literally starving to death…

Tilly was literally starving to death…

Emaciated. Skeletal. Gaunt.

The young Red Heeler cross, was only days away from death’s door when she was rescued, along with two other dogs from the backyard of a rural property. It looked like they hadn’t been properly fed for weeks. The only shelter they had was an old steel drum where the dogs must have curled up together to survive the cold winter nights.

In the coming months, we expect more than 2,000 animals to come through our doors – some, like Tilly, with their life hanging by a thread. We must be ready to rescue them, bring them to safety, and provide all the care they need. That’s why your help is urgently needed today.

Thanks to people like you, Tilly was saved just in time – she weighed only 4kg when she arrived at the RSPCA. It took two months on a special re-feeding program to get her to a healthy weight of 8kg but finally, this energetic little dog found her perfect fur-ever home where she’ll never go hungry again.

Please make a tax-deductible donation before June 30 to help save vulnerable animals like Tilly who are desperately in need of rescue this winter.

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

Do you have friends, family or colleagues who might also want to help? Why not share news of your donation via social media. Every donation we receive goes a long way to expanding the work of RSPCA South Australia.

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