You change the world for dogs like Bart

You change the world for dogs like Bart

Bart came into our care along with five other dogs – all underweight, unsocialised and traumatised from living in squalid conditions.

Surrendered by a mentally unwell owner, three of the dogs were found locked in a small room, with shards of glass strewn across the floor from a smashed window, and three were neglected in a derelict backyard.

Thanks to the kindness of people like you, Bart received the medical and behavioural care he needed to thrive, and it wasn’t long before he found his forever home.

The transformation in his demeanour was incredible – he was hardly recognisable from the scared, defeated dog we first met.

Your loving gift can transform the lives of more dogs like Bart, who are desperately seeking a second chance.

As a community-funded charity, it is big hearted animal-lovers like you that allow us to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome thousands of SA animals each year.

Thank you for your life-changing compassion for all creatures great and small.

Why not turbo-charge your impact for animals by making it a loving monthly gift? Just click ‘Donate Monthly’ below ♥

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