Emergency Storm Appeal

Emergency Storm Appeal

Our Lonsdale shelter has been hit hard by the storm that ravaged Adelaide overnight and this morning.

Twelve dog kennels have been flooded, along with animal meal preparation areas and exercise yards, with dogs being evacuated into staff offices. 

Roofs are leaking throughout the shelter, including a room in the vet centre where cats are recovering from surgery. 

Our big-hearted staff and volunteers are working tirelessly to keep the 133 dogs and 144 cats in the shelter dry and well, but they could really do with some additional support from our kind community right now. 

Will you help us weather this storm, and keep vulnerable animals safe and dry? 

As thunder shook the kennels, setting off a cacophony of barking, dogs who have already been through so much, trembled with fear. 

While the rain pelted down, our animal care teams were frantically scooping water out of enclosures and pinning towels against mesh to protect animals from the harshest of the elements. 

It’s another stark reminder of the dire state of our rundown shelter (the oldest RSPCA shelter in Australia), where animals are housed in semi-enclosed kennels and thin metal sheds.

Until we move to our new home in Glenthorne National Park in April next year, you can be the saving grace for the animals in our care. 

Your kindness will be a warm, comforting hug for every animal at the Lonsdale shelter, to show them they are not alone – no matter what the weather throws at us! 

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

Do you have friends, family or colleagues who might also want to help? Why not share news of your donation via social media. Every donation we receive goes a long way to expanding the work of RSPCA South Australia.

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$10.00 /month
Well done all volunteers.