Ronny's Fund

Ronny's Fund

Just five-months-old, Ronny is emaciated, flea-ridden and suffering from severe mange.

It’s clear from his heart-breaking state that Ronny has had a rough start to life.

Mange is a skin disease caused by a parasitic mite, and this kind mostly affects dogs with compromised immune systems. For Ronny, it has resulted in extensive hair loss, inflamed skin, and scaly lesions all over his body.

His paws are swollen from grass seeds, and his little body is lethargic and weak from fighting the infection without receiving sufficient nutrition.

With barely any body fat, and only around 20% of his patchy hair remaining, we’ve been making sure to keep him warm with cosy jumpers and heat lamps.

The good news is that Ronny’s ailments are very treatable, and with the right care (and people like you in his corner), we are confident he will make a full recovery.

But we need your help. With our shelter overwhelmed with dogs, we are struggling to cover the costs of intensive care required for cases like Ronny.

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Considering how he must feel, Ronny’s sweet-natured temperament is quite incredible.

He was ravenous when first presented with food – who knows when he last had a decent meal, if ever. Ronny will be put on a careful re-feeding program, to slowly build up his strength, without overwhelming his system.

In the safe hands of our vet and shelter teams, Ronny is being bathed regularly with medicated shampoo, undergoing skin scrapes and regular vet consults, and is on a course of antibiotics to help combat the skin infection.

We are hoping to see progress in the coming days and weeks, otherwise blood tests may be required for further diagnostics.

All going well, the proposed treatment regime will have Ronny looking and feeling like a young pup should, with a healthy full coat of hair and energy to spare.

Will you help give Ronny relief from his constant discomfort and show him care and love, perhaps for the first time in his life?


The goal for Ronny’s fundraiser includes the cost of vet consults, skin scrapes, regular bathing, antibiotics, re-feeding program, rehabilitation, and blood tests if required. If his medical and care costs are less than is raised in his name, additional funds will provide veterinary care for other animals in need.

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1. Donation amount

Donation Levels

$17 a month could help transport an injured animal to urgent veterinary care, raising their chances of recovery and adoption.

$25 a month could pay for vaccinations to protect an animal from deadly diseases.

$35 a month could provide specialist veterinary food to help badly injured animals get better.

$25 could provide a fortnight of antibiotics for an animal recovering from surgery.

$50 could provide medicated shampoo to regularly bathe a dog with mange like Ronny.

$100 could keep our Animal Ambulance on the road for a week, saving animals in emergencies.

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

Do you have friends, family or colleagues who might also want to help? Why not share news of your donation via social media. Every donation we receive goes a long way to expanding the work of RSPCA South Australia.

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Hoping Ronny makes a good recovery and gets well soon!
Sending my love to you precious boy 💖🐾
Poor baby. Will he be put up for adoption when he is well enough? I would love to give him a loving forever home.