Penny's Fund

Penny's Fund

Skinny and flea-ridden, with rotten teeth, a heart murmur and a large mammary tumour – this sweet Jack Russell Terrier needs your help today.

Penny came to us, through no fault of her own, as a victim of unintentional neglect, her owner sadly no longer in a position to care for her.

She carries the burden of a large mass on her mammary glands, which makes it hard for her to get around.

Canine mammary tumours are the equivalent of breast cancer in humans. They are often found in un-spayed female dogs like Penny.

Penny’s gaunt condition suggests she may have not been able to access food and water for some days.

A mouth full of rotten teeth – the result of severe dental disease – had been causing her constant discomfort and making eating a painful ordeal. Our vet team is providing pain relief and antibiotics ahead of major dental surgery scheduled for next week.

Despite her hardship, the staff caring for Penny describe her as a sweet-natured and gentle old girl, with big brown eyes that will melt your heart.

(Click ‘Read more’ for the rest of Penny’s story…)

Aside from surgery to extract rotten teeth, Penny will need to undergo major surgery to excise the mammary mass.

She will also need xrays to assess her heart murmur, and to make sure the cancer has not spread to her chest.

Her vet bills are estimated to come to a total of $3,920. At this stage, her prognosis is good, and we think it’s well worth it to give this precious old girl a chance to enjoy her remaining years in the comfort of a loving home.

But as a community-funded charity, we need your support to help make our hope for her a reality.

Can you spare some change to help cover the costs of Penny’s urgent medical care?

With your help, we’re looking forward to finally giving this darling girl the second chance she deserves.

Thank you for being there for Penny when she needs you most ❤


*The goal for Penny’s fundraiser includes the cost of surgery to remove the mammary mass, pathology, dental surgery, desexing, chest xrays, post-operative care, pain relief, and recovery. If her medical and care costs are less than is raised in her name, additional funds will provide care for other animals in need of urgent veterinary treatment.


raised of $3,920 goal

Campaign progress

  • Goal: $3,920
  • Achieved: 67.6%
  • Days left: 0
  • No. donors: 49
  • Av. amount: $54

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

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Sending love and good wishes to Penny