Monty's Fund

Monty's Fund

It was the ultimate case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Monty had been hiding in a rubbish pile when the property’s owner – unaware of the cat’s presence – lit the bonfire. Monty fled to a neighbouring property where he was captured and rushed to a local veterinary hospital.

He’d escaped the unthinkable, but only just. His ears, eyes and whiskers were badly singed but the most severe damage was to his paws, which suffered deep burns.

Will you donate to Monty’s emergency appeal to help fund his vital medical care?

“One of the biggest concerns with burns is the risk of secondary infection,” Senior RSPCA SA Vet Dr Fauve Buckley explains.

“Since coming into our care, Monty has been on a regime of regular wound cleaning, removing burnt skin, soaking his feet in sterile saline solution and rebandaging. Pain management has also been critical.

“He really is the sweetest boy, despite all he’s been through – he’s definitely a lover, not a fighter.”

But now Monty needs you to fight for him.

With 24/7 hospitalisation, intravenous fluids, blood tests and extensive treatment, the cost of Monty’s care has quickly added up…

Click below for more of his story (warning: graphic imagery)

We’ve been holding off putting out this call for support, because we honestly didn’t know if Monty would pull through.

We’re now confident that with people like you on his side, this resilient boy will make a full recovery.

But we are hoping you can help to cover the cost of his life-saving care, which has already set us back at least $4,000.

With frequent wound care and vet checks, the burns on Monty’s paws have started to heal. He’s had surgery to remove the damaged parts of his ears, and regular blood tests to monitor his kidney function and infection risk.

Monty is now living with an experienced foster carer to continue his recovery, until he’s ready to find his forever home.

This friendly, brave young cat deserves a shot at a life free from pain and full of love. Will you help him get there?

Please make a loving gift to his emergency fund today.

*The goal for Monty’s fundraiser includes the cost of hospitalisation, wound cleaning and debriding under sedation, pinnectomy (ear flap removal surgery), intravenous fluids, antibiotics, pain management, medications, and blood tests. If his medical costs are less than is raised in his name, additional funds will provide care for other animals in need.


raised of $4,000 goal

Campaign progress

  • Goal: $4,000
  • Achieved: 130.3%
  • Days left: 29
  • No. donors: 104
  • Av. amount: $50

Thank you for your donation!

Your kindness will make a huge difference to the safety and wellbeing of animals in South Australia.

Do you have friends, family or colleagues who might also want to help? Why not share news of your donation via social media. Every donation we receive goes a long way to expanding the work of RSPCA South Australia.

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Good luck Monty 🩷
Yuen Kiu
Yuen Kiu